
dir. Jerzy Matula

The film by Jerzy Matula was shot as part of the workshops under the name ‘Specyfika nagrań dźwięku 100% na planie filmowym’ (English: The distinctive features of recording sound entirely on a film set). It is a story of a young woman looking for the soldier who stood up to protect her at a local disco party. She wants to find him and thank him for it.
To this end, she travels with her best friend to the local military unit.

Release information
Poland, 2013, 17′

Directed by: Jerzy Matula
Screenplay by: Jerzy Matula
Cinematography by: Hubert Napierała, Yann-Baptiste Seweryn
Production by: Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in
Cast: Anna Orczykowska, Zuzanna Szary, Paweł Gilewski, Przemysław Zubowicz, and others.